Breast Cancer Recovery Endowment Funds

In 2007, the Breast Cancer Recovery, Inc. established an endowment fund to commemorate our 10 Year Anniversary. The Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Endowment Fund is intended to carry on the legacy of Ann Haney, Founder of the Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation, Inc. Interest generated from the endowment fund will allow our organization to continue to respond to the needs of the breast cancer survivors well into the future.

  1. The Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Endowment Fund demonstrates our commitment to exist in perpetuity (or until there is no longer a need to provide emotional, physical and spiritual support to breast cancer survivors). 
  2. The Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Endowment Fund provides donors a vehicle to make a sizable gift to the organization, knowing that significant gifts are invested wisely and intended to create a lasting impact. 
  3. The Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Endowment Fund provides donors an opportunity to express their loyalty to the organization by making a gift through their will.

Individuals who pledge a gift of $25,000 or more can establish a permanently restricted named endowment fund. The first named endowment fund for the Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Endowment is the Dianne F. Lemmons Endowment Fund.

Gifts to the Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Endowment may be made in several different ways to meet the needs and financial goals of individual donors.

These options include:

  • cash contributions
  • gifts of stock
  • personal property
  • real estate
  • remainder trusts
  • bequests
  • and other estate instruments.

To Donate to the Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation Fund.

To Donate to the Dianne F. Lemmons Endowment

Contact Us

Breast Cancer Recovery
34 Schroeder Ct #220
Madison WI 53711
