News & Press: Newsletter

February Donor Spotlight: Leanne Widen, Host of Messiah Lutheran Church Yoga

Wednesday, February 20, 2019   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Megan Purtell
About:  Leanne Widen is yoga teacher, volunteer, breast cancer survivor, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and new grandmother to 2 grandsons.

Her Interests: Travel, fitness, yoga, church, reading and volunteering

How I became Involved with BCR: I attended Infinite Boundaries after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 43 in 2005. The retreat allowed me to work on the emotional tole that breast cancer had left behind, after diagnosis & treatment. Infinite Boundaries impacted my healing so profoundly, that I have been a volunteer for the organization ever since.

About Why You Support BCR:  I teach Divine Yoga at Messiah Lutheran Church and each session collect donations that are generously matched for area non-profits, including BCR. I want to support the mission and especially contribute to keeping the retreats affordable to any woman breast cancer survivor hoping to heal emotionally.

Current Session:

~ Inner Strength, Divine Connection ~
Divine Yoga Returns to Messiah Lutheran Church
January 29-March 12, 2019

5202 Cottage Grove Rd
Madison, WI
Community Room

*Divine Yoga, is an exploration of the mind, body and spiritual connection, between your divine self, as it relates your neighbor, your city and the world. All levels welcome.

This is a free yoga practice. However, good will donations will be forwarded to local charities. (and generously matched!) Please bring an open and willing mind, heart and a yoga mat. (A blanket, block and strap are helpful, as well.) The mobility to move from the floor to standing positions, helpful ~but all levels welcome!

Contact Us

Breast Cancer Recovery
34 Schroeder Ct #220
Madison WI 53711
